South Tillamook banner featuring Nestucca Union High School

This is a very early photo of the original Nestucca Union High School building.

Click here to viewHistory of South Tillamook County!

South Tillamook County is located on the north Oregon coast. It is bordered by the Pacific Ocean on the west, Cascade Head which is part of the coast range on the south and the coast range on the east. The history portion of this website will attempt to document the history of the land and inhabitants of South Tillamook County as much as possible.

I have spent the glowing days of happy childhood here. I have climbed the mountains and waded the streams. I have loitered in my boat on the silvery rivers and have lived on horse-back. I have spent the days of wistful girlhood here when it seemed those mountains stood as a barrier between me and all that my heart desired, the great wide world.

Womanhood’s years with their responsibilities and their recompenses have come and mostly gone. I rejoice in it. I have found God here.

So long have I lived with these: the hills, the rills, the deep dark forests, the graceful little ferns and the pale green billows of alders that they all seem a part of me. The changing moods of the mountains, the lights, the shades of the fog, crowned and sunlit Mount Hebo in its majesty of being, the sea with its song and its shore, with its gulls and dunes. All form parts of one great beautiful picture, and I am in the midst.

I am a Tillamook Pioneer.

Mrs. Charles NELSON Blum (Minnie Belle NELSON Blum) b 27 Mar 1877 - d 1 Apr 1960

(Minnie wrote a story about her time living south of Hebo, Oregon. You can find the story by clicking on "History" and then "Stories About South Tillamook County People, Places and Events" on the next webpage.)

Quotations for Daily Use contains hundreds of quotations for your use. Put them on greeting cards, make posters using quotations, put them as signatures on email apps, etc. Or simply be inspired.

Cloverdale High School

The photo above is of Cloverdale High School with the Cloverdale Grade School behind the building to the right. This building sat across from where the Maynard Alt building aka South County Motors aka South County Hardware and now Storage building sets in Cloverdale. 

This site is being developed and maintained by Dean Bones.

I will soon make a contact box that does not list my email address publicly. 31 Aug 2024